Exhibit 99.1
Company Presentation SUM M E R 2 0 2 2
Forward Looking Statements This presentation may contain “forward - looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. For such forward - looking statements, we claim the protection of the safe harbor for forward - looking statements contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. As used below and throughout this presentation, the words “we”, “us” and “our” may refer to Amesite individually or together with one or more partner companies, as dictated by context. Such statements include, but are not limited to, any statements relating to our growth strategy and product development programs and any other statements that are not historical facts. Forward - looking statements are based on management’s current expectations and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could negatively affect our business, operating results, financial condition and stock price. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those currently anticipated include: risks related to our growth strategy; risks relating to the results of research and development activities; our ability to obtain, perform under and maintain financing and strategic agreements and relationships; our dependence on third party suppliers; our ability to attract, integrate, and retain key personnel; the early stage of products under development; our need for and continued access to additional funds; government regulation; patent and intellectual property matters; competition; as well as other risks described in our Securities and Exchange Commission filings. We expressly disclaim any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward - looking statements contained herein to reflect any change in our expectations or any changes in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based, except as may be required by law. The information contained herein is intended to be reviewed in its totality, and any stipulations, conditions or provisions that apply to a given piece of information in one part of this presentation should be read as applying mutatis mutandis to every other instance of such information appearing herein. © 2022 Amesite Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2
Investment Highlights 1 2 3 4 5 MARKET OPPORTUNITY addressing multi - billion - dollar online learning markets in business and education. UNIQUE MODEL for transparent B2B business that creates an opportunity for growth and revenue for customers. PROVEN TECHNOLOGY that scales, with the efficiency and interoperability that customers need. SUCCESSFUL PRODUCTS that customers LOVE : strong focus on technology + design to create great user experiences. STRONG DIFFERENTIATION in markets that urgently need technology to meet the demand for growth. © 2022 Amesite Inc. All Rights Reserved. 3
Meet A me site Amesite's cloud - based platform + content creation services provide fully - managed, customized learning ecosystms for businesses, nonprofits, government agencies and universities. Amesite is unique in its focus on the user experience for learning: for instructors, administrators and learners. © 2022 Amesite Inc. All Rights Reserved. 4
Model & Markets SETUP FEE ADAPTABLE: Amesite delivers custom, enterprise - wide systems, or new, specialized or technical programs, branded to the Customer COURSE CREATION FEE FLEXIBLE: Amesite can build - from - scratch, from technical to introductory / general - interest courses and programs — or Customers can use their own content MAINTENANCE FEE RELEVANT: Amesite assures content stays up - to - date USER FEE SCALABLE: Manageable user fees enable course monitoring and customer service, leveraging infrastructure that supports growth Model: SaaS Flexibility and Scalability, Targeting High Margin + ARR HI G HE R E D 19.7M learners https://nces.ed.gov/fastfacts/display.asp?id=372 EN T ERP RI S E $165B https:// www.statista.com/statistics/738412/size - of - the - workplace - training - market - north - america/ GO V E R N M E N T $3.6B https:// www.dol.gov/sites/dolgov/files/general/budget/2020/FY20 20OperatingPlanAPT.pdf © 2022 Amesite Inc. All Rights Reserved. 5
Learning Solutions for Enterprise are in High Demand of executives report skills gaps in their current workforce. of employees would stay at a company longer if it invested in their career. of companies reported plans to implement an upskilling program this year. https:// www.mckinsey.com/~/media/McKinsey/Business%20Functions/Organization/Our%20Insi ghts/Beyond%20hiring%20How%20companies%20are%20reskilling%20to%20address%20talent %20gaps/Beyond - hiring - How - companies - are - reskilling.ashx https://learning.linkedin.com/content/dam/me/learning/resources/pdfs/LinkedIn - Learning - 2020 - Workplace - Learning - Report.pdf https://learning.linkedin.com/content/dam/me/learning/resources/pdfs/LinkedIn - Learning - 2020 - Workplace - Learning - Report.pdf By 2030, the talent shortage and skills gap in the U.S. alone is expected to total a loss of $8.5 trillion. 87% 94% 51% The results we’ve seen so far are unparalleled, the technology has made the system scalable and easy to use and we can fully achieve our goals of inspiring that next generation of innovators and inventors.” Patricia Mooradian President & CEO, The Henry Ford Museum Built by Amesite, Innovation Foundation Engage – our online learning platform - uses advanced technology to enhance education focused on innovation . Amesite's technology will help us engage all who wish to be a part of our mission..” Cathie Wood CEO and Founder, Innovation Foundation © 2022 Amesite Inc. All Rights Reserved. 6 “ “ “ Amesite is clearly the company of choice to integrate our platforms because of the quality and depth of their A.I driven technology. People are our greatest investment, and we are committed to making sure they are the best prepared in our industry.” Jay Mullick President, EWIE Group of Companies Amesite’s Enterprise Solutions: Scalable & Easy
© 2022 Amesite Inc. All Rights Reserved. 7 loss of revenue across 2020 and 2021 for higher education institutions. decrease in the “importance of college” among young adults since 2015. of CEOs are concerned about employees’ lack of essential skills. https://amesite.com/blogs/higher - education - turns - its - focus - to - alumni/?_ga=2.120359755.272252507.1638311622 - 743462973.1630370722 https://www.chronicle.com/article/how - to - fight - covids - financial - crushhttps://amesite.com/blogs/higher - education - relevance - renaissance/ https:// www.forbes.com/sites/brandonbusteed/2019/12/15/importance - of - college - drops - nearly - 50 - among - young - adults - in - just - six - years/ https:// www.pwc.com/gx/en/ceo - survey/2020/trends/pwc - talent - trends - 2020.pdf 14% 50% 74% Alumni markets are 20x the size of undergraduate markets in the US. We chose to partner with Amesite because they offer the most advanced online learning platform in the market today . The feedback from our students and instructors has been overwhelmingly positive.” It is vitally important that we are able to deliver programs with outstanding results. With Amesite, we had 100% retention across a challenging, technical program. Amesite enabled program creation, execution and scale. We trust Amesite as a partner committed to helping us in our mission to serve our youth, with programs that will set them on a course to bring them economic success and bring our city and state greater talent, and growth.” “ “ Dr. Farshad Fotouhi Dean of Engineering, Wayne State University Higher Education Needs Solutions for Upskilling and Pipeline Growth Amesite’s Higher Ed Solutions: Advanced Tech
Workforce upskilling and reskilling is needed more urgently now than ever, given the evolution of the work world. We chose Amesite to support our own workforce in their professional development journey because we believe in the power of their platform to support the engagement and ultimately the success of our teams." Shamar Herron Executive Director, Michigan Works! Southeast of federal workers reported they could be more productive in their job if they had better training. 27% 20% 47% © 2022 Amesite Inc. All Rights Reserved. 8 US Federal Government allocated over $ 3 . 6 B of budget towards Training and Employment Services in 2021 . https:// www.dol.gov/sites/dolgov/files/ETA/budget/pdfs/FY2022BIB_ETA.pdf https://home.treasury.gov/system/files/241/Treasury - 2020 - AES.pdf https://blog.shrm.org/blog/reskilling - and - upskilling - your - workforce - for - the - post - covid - 19 - era “ “ To effectively achieve our mission of preparing the workforce for the future, our own workforce must be ready to foster and sustain a strong, diverse economy where people live, work, and prosper. Our partnership with Amesite is crucial to our mission, With the advanced workforce training platform they created for us, we are training our employees to better serve the needs of our regional businesses and job seekers.” Misty Shulters Deputy Director, Michigan Works! Southeast Government Agencies have a Critical Need for L&D Platforms of federal workers reported they could be more productive in their job if they had job - related software. of companies reported plans to implement a reskilling program this year. Amesite’s Government Solutions: Urgently Needed
Amesite: Built for Speed and Efficiency to Meet Our Partners’ Needs Amesite & Microsoft “ By empowering Amesite and putting their platform on Microsoft Azure, we can approach our partner universities around the country and get these solutions out to people who need upskilling courses . " Tamer Erzurumlu Director of Partner Strategy Education at Microsoft Amesite’s V4 platform is now on Microsoft’s Azure Cloud - enabling scalability , speed, and best - in - class infrastructure. or less Is the delivery time now for a custom - branded, enterprise scale system for our customers – offering unparalleled speed. launches of custom content are available, because Amesite’s easy - to - use platform and flexible business model enable fast, high quality content creation. V4 24h 30d 1,000s 98% of APIs can be integrated with Amesite’s platform because Amesite uses a modern tech stack and is fully modularized. © 2022 Amesite Inc. All Rights Reserved. 9 retention rates across all products have been achieved – Amesite’s customers deliver learning products that work for their users.
Technology: Advantages, Differentiation & Opportunity SC A LA B LE & S E C U R E AI - DR I V E N BE S T - IN C L A S S FE A T U R E S & I N T E G R A BI L I T Y AM E S I T E US E S AI T O I M P R O V E LE A R N I N G AI drives engagement with fresh, relevant content and analytics that give actionable insights. Amesite’s analytics architecture enables agile, continuous improvements. © 2022 Amesite Inc. All Rights Reserved. 10 AM E S I T E US E S B E S T - IN - CL A S S CO D E A N D A R CH I T E CT U R E Amesite’s platform is built with tools that enable integration with thousands of APIs and offers reliable, out - of - the box auto scalability. AM E S I T E T E C H N O L O GY S UP P O R T S DE S I G N S C U S T O M E RS L O V E – WI T H T H E AB I L I T Y T O SC A L E If it’s easy to code, it’s hard to use. If it’s easy to use, it’s hard to code. Our platform is easy to use because we support accessible design with a flexible, sophisticated codebase.
Investment Landscape : Interfaces & Growth LE A R N I N G MA N A G E ME N T SY ST E M S Amesite uniquely focuses on the user experience, driving success for customers and learners. We are disrupting the “LMS.” Companies: Pluralsight $PS, Stride $LRN, Blackbaud $BLKB CO N T E N T CU R A T O R S , P R O G R A M MA NA G E R S , S E R V I C E P R O V I D E R S We believe that the private sector will continue to spur advancements in learning markets. Companies: 2U $TWOU, Chegg $CHGG PL A TF OR M S F OR TH E F U TU R E OF W OR K Amesite brings new data, and insights to other Enterprise SaaS platforms. We believe that the future of work is more digital, more connected and will offer continuous learning. Companies: Workday $WDAY, Atlassian $TEAM AI G R O W T H $126B by 2025 https:// www.statista.com/statistics/607716/worldwide - artificial - intelligence - market - revenues/#:~:text=The%20global%20artificial%20intelligence%20(AI,process%20auto mation%2C%20and%20machine%20learning. ON L I N E ED U C A T I ON GRO W T H $319B by 2025 https:// www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/4986759/global - online - education - market - forecasts - from SA A S F O R BU S I N E S S G R O W TH $623B by 2023 https:// www.prnewswire.com/news - releases/software - as - a - service - saas - market - could - exceed - 600 - billion - by - 2023 © 2022 Amesite Inc. All Rights Reserved. 11 301102655.html#:~:text=According%20to%20Finances%20Online%3A%20%22The,a%20hold% 20of%20such%20system s.
Recent Partnerships and Impact: >98% retention CUNY • Delivering professional learning for the largest urban university system in the United States EWIE Group of Companies (EGC) • Employee training that enables global tracking for a company whose products and services are used at over 250 manufacturing facilities across the globe. CONNER PRAIRIE • Founded by Eli Lilly, they are providing learning to a global community and aim to change the way the world views and uses museums. https://www1.nyc.gov/site/planning/about/press - releases/pr - 20210720.page https:// www.statista.com/statistics/1232500/size - of - the - workplace - training - market - north - america - and - rest - of - the - world / https:// www.statista.com/statistics/738519/workplace - training - spending - per - employee/ https:// www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/02/most - in - demand - jobs - 2021 / https:// www.statista.com/statistics/1174784/museum - industry - market - size - us / $133.7B 10 - year strategy for building and enhancing city infrastructure announced by the NYC Dep. Of City Planning in July 2021 Upskilling is a $358B global market with employers spending $1,300 on each employee annually for continuing education 150M new technology jobs will be added to the global economy over the next 5 years Market size of the museum industry in the US reached $12.7B in 2020 © 2022 Amesite Inc. All Rights Reserved. 12
People & Growth We are honored to be among the winners of the following workplace and technical awards, including four national workplace excellence awards. • Strong ability to attract talent • Building bench strengths and partnerships in Sales and Marketing • Aligning technical work to disrupt markets and serve our customers © 2022 Amesite Inc. All Rights Reserved. 14
TE C H & I P FI N A N C E PE O PL E & G R O WT H Dr. Ann Marie Sastry Founder, Chair & CEO Anthony Barkett, J.D. Barbie Brewer J. Michael Losh Richard Ogawa, J.D. Gilbert S. Omenn, MD, Ph.D. George Parmer • Former CEO and co - Founder of Sakti3 (acquired by Dyson in 2015 for $90M) • Recognized by President Obama at the White House in 2015 for her technology entrepreneurship • Her technology and business work have been featured in WSJ, Fortune, Forbes, The Economist, USA Today, The New York Times and on the cover of Inc. • Arthur F. Thurnau Professor (UM’s highest teaching honor) at the University of Michigan, 17 years • Recognized with some of the highest honors in her scientific fields • Co - authored over 100 publications and 100 patents and filings and delivered over 100 invited lectures and seminars globally (NIH, NSF, NAE, MIT, Stanford, UC Berkeley, Oxford, Cambridge, etc.) • Serves on the Boards of the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT), the Alpha House Family Homeless Shelter, Laidlaw & Company, among others • Holds PhD and MS degrees from Cornell University, and a BS from the University of Delaware, all in Mechanical Engineering Leadership & Board © 2022 Amesite Inc. All Rights Reserved. 15
Financial Position Debt Operating Cash Used Q2 2022 $0 $2.6M Amesite’s Financial Position: • Good Liquidity • No Debt • Equity Line to Raise as Needed, Subject to Limits • Includes $3M Equity Raised (Feb. 2022) $15.0M Cash Remaining on Equity Line Cash On Hand as of February 18, 2022 >1y Cash Remaining as of February 18, 2022 $9.5M FY Q2 2022 10 - Q filed February 18, 2022 © 2022 Amesite Inc. All Rights Reserved. 16
Revenue Q2 2022 YoY (3 Month) Net Revenue Growth 52% 2.5X Trailing 12 months (CY2021 over CY2020) $1.8M Total Recognized Revenue Since Inception Building Revenue: • Key Staff Positions Filled • Company Is Diversifying Our Customer Base • Large Addressable Markets in Four Sectors: Enterprise, Higher Ed, Nonprofit and Government FY Q2 2022 10 - Q filed February 18, 2022 © 2022 Amesite Inc. All Rights Reserved. 17
SLIDE TITLE THANK YOU. FO L L O W OU R P ROG RES S FO R R ESO U R C ES FO R I N V EST M EN T © 2022 Amesite Inc. All Rights Reserved. 18